Digital surveillance programs - safeguards or spies? Do we perceive states that read our emails, web chats, and other (digital) communications as safeguards or as spies? Research indicates that these attitudes are largely influenced by how news reports about these controversial issues are framed. Gerdien de Vries • June 18, 2013
Should a company’s social activities be consistent with its corporate goal? Just recently, Coca-Cola started a media campaign to make consumers aware of the importance to keep a balance between calorie intake and calorie consumption. But how consistent is this? Gerdien de Vries • April 25, 2013
Perceptions of pseudovoice Since last week citizens in the Netherlands can start a referendum on any issue that matters to them. However, the outcome can easily be ignored by the government. This is an example of ‘pseudovoice’, and therefore mostly ineffective. Gerdien de Vries • March 04, 2013